Trading for Dummies By: Griffis & Lita Epstein
As I do not recommend trading while a Dummie this other great installment to the "Dummies" series is a good way for the green investor to learn a little about the markets before they dive into the theoretical literature.  This book is a great tool for beginners who want to learn the fundamentals of trading stocks in any type of market. The states that it is for investors who may have previous experience in trading, but are looking for new methods or styles to enhance their portfolio and returns.  In reality the book is for folks with a fairly simple view of the markets and tries to help them better understand the mechanics that can create value in a portfolio.  

The book states that it will aid the reader about the ins and outs of trading stocks and fresh ways to analyze trends and indicators.  One of the most usefull portions of this books is that it is a good resource for those looking for money management techniques and warnings that will help them avoid frauds and scams. The book further helps one hold onto his or her money by explaining trading mistakes traders want to avoid at all costs and how to fix these mistakes if they are experienced.

There is a fairly decent section on how to analyze companies and potential investments.  This process is described in terms that a beginner trader can understand.  Readers will find that this book is extremely effective in explaining information in a way that all experience levels can identify with.

Topics such as position trading and the ways that they are implemented are explained in detail in addition to the different types of investment options available and when the right time to buy or sell the related securities. The book lays out how the reader can use particular strategies in their buying and selling of stocks to maximize potential gains. Overall, most readers will think that this book is easy to read and very efficient in explaining how to trade stocks in any particular market for any particular investor.  Make no mistake, this book is for the greenest of the green.  


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